Gboard APK - Everything you adore about Google Keyboard is available on Gboard, including voice typing, handwriting, glide typing, speed and dependability, and more.
Glide Typing: Use your finger to move from letter to letter to type more quickly. Easily dictate text while on the go with voice typing.
Handwriting: Compose printed and cursive letters.
Emoji Search: Quickly locate that emoji
GIFs: Look for and distribute GIFs that capture the ideal response.
Multilingual typing: Eliminate the need for manual language switching. Gboard will offer suggestions and autocorrect in any language that you have enabled.
Translate as you type with Google Translate.
Expert advice
- Control of the cursor with gestures
- To move the cursor, drag your finger across the space bar.
Delete gesture
- For fast word deletion, slide left on the delete key.
- Enable Number Row in Settings → Preferences → Number Row to have it always available.
Hints and symbols
To access symbols with a long press, enable the feature that displays brief hints on your keys (Settings → Preferences → Long press for symbols).
Single-handed mode
Pin the keyboard to the left or right of the screen on phones with large screens.
Pick a theme of your choice, with or without important borders.